This is a picture of Christine Ann Trent

of Houston, Texas
Message on Americas Wrongfully Convicted website: Good evening Harris County DA's office, the citizens of Harris County and Christine and Paula Trent:
Good evening everyone! Today was more of an interesting day than yesterday. Robert received a phone call from his probation officer yesterday to appear in the 183rd court today. Of course, I would not hesitate to go up there with him, and I'm glad that I did. We had asked his probation officer why he was even called to appear and she could not tell us, we had to wait. Then the Court Probation Officer, Patricia Cisneroz, met with us, along with Robert's probation officer, Ms. Taylor.
Now comes the interesting part. We were informed by Ms. Cisneroz, that Christine Trent and her mother, Barbara Schuette, had been calling Judge Vanessa Velasquez, stating that we had been making phone calls to them, etc. What a crock of crap. More lies, trying to get Robert's probation revoked. First, Christine and Paula lie to get him convicted, and when Robert received probation in lieu of incarceration, now they want to call the judge, lying of course, to get his probation revoked, which we believe it is because Roger has filed a small claims suit on Christine Trent for stealing a shed, then lying to Judge Kent Adams, then tells the truth, so she got sued.
Let me tell you a bit about the conversation between us. First, Ms. Cisneros states that Christine and her mother, Barbara had been calling the judge since September. She then goes on to state that the judge told them to quit calling her. Then she goes on to state that we are to have no contact with Christine and her family or Robert could go to prison. Then she goes on to talk about the website.
Now, if anyone knows me, they know I will not tolerate someone threatening a member of my family for my actions. I informed Ms. Cisneroz that Robert had absolutely nothing to do with Christine and her family. And, that Robert may be on probation, but I am not and no one in Harris County is going to restrict my civil liberties, nor will they violate my rights under the Constitution of Freedom of Speech. I explained to her that the Supreme Court has ruled that the internet is a form of Freedom of Speech and that if anyone violated my Constitutional rights, or my liberty, I would not hesitate to hire an attorney to sue everyone involved in Harris County. Let me add something here. If Harris County does something to Robert because of your lies, I will not only file on Harris County, and everyone involved there, I will include you and any member of your family that I can possibly include. Trust me, I don't lie. I will come after everyone with such a ferocity, you will not know what hit you. I will do my damndest to take everything from you, right down to your bra and panties. Get it? I don't think it could get any clearer than that.
Here is the rest of the message, Christine, Paula and your family. First, Robert hasn't done a damn thing to you. If you have a problem with something I do, bring it over to me. Trying to get Robert's probation revoked, by lying, for something he didn't do is (excuse the expression) chicken shit and you're damn cowards. You are a liar and a thief and I personally will not stand for anymore of your crap. You are scum of the earth. You lawyered up on this small claims because you know you lied and you know you stole that property. The only problem is, you slipped up and told the truth and got your ass between a rock and a hard spot. You file one more false report on Robert, Roger or me, I will hire an attorney and sue your butt for everything I can get out of you. So, one more false report, you better have the proof because I will drag your butt through a court room and I won't stop until you have absolutely nothing. Subpoenas will be flying all over the place to dig up any evidence I can dig up on you, and I am very good at finding things. You and and your attorney have no idea what I already have, but you keep screwing with me, you will find out sooner than expected. You may have been able to lie on Robert and get away with it, but trust me, I will not allow you to do that to me.
Oh, P.S. If you don't like the messages on this website, or any of its content, don't keep bringing your butts back here to read it. This is your invitation to take your butts somewhere else. No one is forcing you to be on this website. Welcome to the Constitution and my rights to Freedom of Speech. We pay for this website and the domain and have every right to post anything on here that we damn well please.